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Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:29 pm
by simo-tazi
Suggestopedia is one of the approach to second and foreign language teaching. as a language teacher, how can I implement it in my classroom?

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:53 pm
by Sally Olsen


Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 6:09 pm
by ronaldi2008
You can also watch this video to delve what Suggesopedia is.

Just keep watching it! I believe you'll get the picture of following up this approach in your language classroom.

Re: Suggestopedia

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:15 am
by I.Batorina-Bougoin
simo-tazi wrote:Suggestopedia is one of the approach to second and foreign language teaching. as a language teacher, how can I implement it in my classroom?
I am also interested in Suggestopedia in general and in Psycho-Drama approach in particular.

A psycho-drama is a role play that is set up so the students become emotionally and psychologically involved in the action (Stránky, n.d.). It is a part of the whole suggestopedian process that includes acting out of the text, singing specially prepared songs, playing games, telling stories, taking part in short conversations etc.

Working with intensive ESL groups for more than 10 years, I furnished myself with some secrets that I gladly share from time to time with the audience. For example, here , I animate a workshop: Psychodrama as a method of teaching foreign languages to adults.


Stránky K.V. (n.d.). Suggestopedia. Retrieved from ... 2/?print=1