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Teaching English to Deaf learners in China

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 2:10 pm
by Lan Qing
Stakeholders’ Position on the Teaching of English to Deaf Learners in China

We, the undersigned, as legitimate stakeholders in Deaf education and cultural development in China, assume the following position on the teaching of English to Chinese Deaf learners.

1. Given that the English language is a mandatory part of the National curriculum and given the potential socio-economic significance of English language learning for the developing world, we assert that optimum methods should be employed to provide fair opportunities for Deaf learners to access the English language, and

2. that those methods be informed by sound, relevant, research in teaching practices and outcomes appropriate for Deaf learners, and/or be inferred by relevant a priori research in the absence of directly obtainable data.

3. We assert our preference for whole language, communicative, approaches that meet the linguistically distinct needs of Deaf learners as is consistent with summative theoretical research-outcome derived recommended best practices in both Deaf education and foreign language teaching pedagogy

4. Based upon these preferences, we further assert that practitioners should be fluent, or have certification of near-native fluency, in an appropriate mode of manual language (not the student’s native sign) and English, since both cognitively and culturally a bi-lingual, bicultural, learning environment is indicated to promote efficacious outcomes in language acquisition among Deaf learners, and that as members of the global Deaf community, Deaf peoples have the right to access and learn the appropriate foreign signed language with the required foreign host language.

5. Finally, in keeping with the published policies of the majority of organizations serving English language teaching professionals regarding respect for cultural and linguistic minorities, and Deaf education and cultural organizations in the English speaking world, we expect foreign language teachers endeavoring to teach Deaf learners in China to have expansive knowledge in, and respect for, Deaf culture, Deaf languages and history, and to be prepared to impart such knowledge in a manner befitting a well-formed foreign language teaching curriculum..

Lan Qing, MA Sun Han Lin Li Ying, Ed.D. (can.)
Beijing Union Univ Shun De School Lamar Univ
College of Special Ed For the Deaf Beaumont, TX
Beijing Fo Shan, GD
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Tang Ying, Ph.D.(can.) Prof. Zhang Neng Sheng* Zhou Ting Ting, MA
Nat’l Pres. Dept. of Special Ed Gallaudet Univ
Chinese Deaf Assoc. Liaoning Normal Univ Washington, D.C.
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Xiao Yang Mei Li Cai Mao* Ph. D. Shi Xiao Yi
Beijing Univ Beijing Disabled Yuan Ping Special
College of Special Ed Persons’ Federation Education School
Beijing Beijing Shenzhen, GD
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The above signatories represent key people advocating for Deaf development in China. Additional signatures had, or being sought, from other key advocates and the Chinese Deaf community at large will be kept on file with China’s National Association of the Deaf.

Except where indicated by an asterisk (*) all of the above signatories are both physiologically and culturally Deaf. Additional signatures will be kept on file with China’s National Association of the Deaf.
For additional information please contact Tang Ying [email protected] or Lan Qing [email protected] or [email protected]

The Chinese language version is available upon request.
Any organization wishing to duplicate this document may do so without written consent. --DBD