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Call for Chapters: Book on Podcasting in Education

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 6:45 am
by ipod37
Podcasting in Education: Case Studies for Students and Teachers

Call for Chapters for: Podcasting in Education: Case Studies for Students and Teachers
Editor: Michael Thomas Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
Nagoya University of Commerce and Business, Japan
e-mail: [email protected]
Proposal submission deadline: 15th March 2007

Podcasting was judged to be word of the year 2005 by the New Oxford American Dictionary. Over the last few years podcasting has grown as a phenomenon all over the world and across many subjects and areas. One of the places where it is exerting an influence is education, and many schools, colleges and universities around the world have developed podcasting projects in the arts and humanities as well as the sciences.

Podcasting in Education: Case Studies for Teachers and Students is a book project aimed at introducing the subject of podcasting by examining how to set up and develop podcasting projects. The book will be a mixture of theory and technology (how to make podcasts, its consequences for the curriculum) supplemented by many practical case studies (podcasting in action).

Podcasting in Education will be a very helpful book for students and teachers in schools, colleges and universities as it will provide comprehensive coverage of how podcasting is being used and developed in today’s classrooms and on campus. The book will be an important new publication and distributed worldwide among schools, colleges and universities. It is intended that chapters and case studies will be written in a clear style, mixing reflection on the use of the educational technology with practical examples.

This book will feature chapters and case studies (4,000-7,500 words) authored by podcasting practitioners (students, teachers and administrators) and offer an overview of the way this new web 2.0 technology is changing our educational landscape.
Proposals for chapters in the following areas are being sought:

(a) What is podcasting and how to make one (technology and equipment required)
(b) Video podcasting
(c) Podcasting in … (schools, colleges, universities)
(d) Podcasting and student motivation
(e) Podcasting and mobile learning
(f) Podcasting in my subject … (Arts and Humanities, language learning, sciences, etc)
(g) Planning a podcast
(h) Podcasting projects
(i) Podcasting and the curriculum
(j) The future of podcasting
(k) Podcasting resources on the Internet

Guidelines for Proposals

Individuals interested in submitting case studies chapters (4,000-7,500 words) on the above suggested topics or other related topics in their area of interest should submit a proposal of the chapter by 15th of March, 2007. The paper should be at least 2-3 pages in length and clearly outline the main focus of the proposal. The proposal should be previously unpublished. The editor strongly encourages the submission of other topics and themes that have not been listed above, especially if the topic is related to the area in which the author has expertise, experience, or knowledge.

Once your proposal has been accepted, you will have four months to prepare your chapter of 4,000-7,500 words. Specific guidelines for preparing your chapter and case study will be sent to authors upon acceptance of the proposal. Full chapters are due by 30th of August, 2007.

Please send an e-mail including your name, institutional affiliation and your proposal for the case study or chapter you are interested in no later than 15th of March, 2007. You will be notified about the status of your proposal by 15th of April, 2007.

Dates and Deadlines

15th of March, 2007 (submission of 2-3 page proposals).
15th April 2007 (notification of acceptance).
30th August, 2007 (full paper due for submission).

The Editor’s Contact Information

Dr. Michael Thomas,
Associate Professor in English Communication,
Faculty of Foreign Languages and Asian Studies,
Nagoya University of Commerce and Business,
Sagamine, Komenoki-cho,
Nisshin-shi, Aichi-ken,
470-0193 JAPAN
e-mail: [email protected]