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Key qualities and skills that students look for in teachers?

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 5:58 pm
by chriscurwen

Would anyone mind sharing their ideas on the following question:

What are the key qualities and skills that students look for in teachers?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, just for a small EFL research project.


Chris C.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:06 am
by gpmartinez
Hi Chris!

I am in school to become an ESL teacher, and as a former ESL student, I can think of a few key qualities and skills that I believe students look for in their teachers.

I believe students look for teachers that are kind, compassionate, encouraging, and consistent. Teachers need to ensure that their students feel safe in the classroom, so they can actively participate and be fully engaged in the learning activities prepared for each day. Students also need teachers to be their motivators, and encourage them to do their best, but also, teachers need to be consistent with their rules and reinforcements so that students learn to participate in the classroom as a community.

Moreover, students need teachers to be able to differentiate their instruction and include activities that reach all of their learning needs, as students do not all learn in the same way. Modifying lessons to reach all learning styles within the classroom will promote maximum learning and will turn students' weaknesses into strengths.

I hope this helps!

Best wishes,