teaching fruits and foods

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teaching fruits and foods

Post by ejkim » Mon Jun 16, 2003 6:00 am

I am going to have a open class and i have to invite many teachers to come (from different schools' teachers)
and I need really great idea to show them.
please help me with ideas.
I am going to be teaching fruits and foods in my class. my class is made of 40 to 45 students.
I am thinking of making a paper refrigerator so that they have to know where the things will go (upper or lower) and a/an/the/some/many/any
first I have to make lesson plan and show that to my school teacher.
this open class is really giving me a headache.
thank you

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Re: teaching fruits and foods

Post by Lorikeet » Mon Jun 16, 2003 6:21 am

ejkim wrote:I am going to have a open class and i have to invite many teachers to come (from different schools' teachers)
and I need really great idea to show them.
please help me with ideas.
I am going to be teaching fruits and foods in my class. my class is made of 40 to 45 students.
I am thinking of making a paper refrigerator so that they have to know where the things will go (upper or lower) and a/an/the/some/many/any
first I have to make lesson plan and show that to my school teacher.
this open class is really giving me a headache.
thank you
You didn't explain the English level of your students. Are you really teaching fruits and foods, or are you using fruits and foods to teach something else? Will they already know the vocabulary or are you teaching it? Making a paper refrigerator sounds like a nice idea--you could also do a store. If the students are more towards a beginning English level I would think that teaching a/an/the/some/many/any would be too much to do and too confusing.

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Post by ejkim » Tue Jun 17, 2003 12:15 am

dear Lorikeet
thank you for a quick reply
I am teaching middle school students all boys and they knew the vocabularies of things I will be teaching. for a/an/some/any=I was going to ask them "how many apples are in your refrigerator?" kind question.
I am not worry about me doing open class, but my students just freeze out when other teachers come to their class.
so I have to make sure the lesson is really interesting to unfreeze them and be normal.
does it make sense to you???
"store " is great idea with refrigerator.
I can ask them to buy from me (I will be cashier in the store) and they take to their home and put the foods in the refrigerators..
I usually go into my class (40-45 students) alone to teach conversation.
so my students can speak freely to me.
I have to show my lesson plan to the school's english teachers.
but i don't know how to start.
please help me
thank you

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Post by Lorikeet » Tue Jun 17, 2003 1:51 am

I suppose the first thing you have to do is make a plan :) What is the purpose of your lesson? Is it to get your students to have conversation practice using real objects? (Are you going to use plastic fruit, or pictures of fruit, for example?) Are you going to teach a grammar point and have them use it in their conversation? (If so, what is it? What steps will you use to teach it?) Will you have them learn a sample conversation first and then make changes in it? (Excuse me, I'd like to buy these apples. How much are they?.....Excuse me, I'd like to buy these pears. How much are they?) Will you have some phrases you will practice first? Will you have them start with you directing and move to just them speaking? Or will you continue to have a role?

I think you have to decide on the beginning, middle, and end of what you want to do. When you have a plan of what you want to do, then you can decide on the steps to use to get there.

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Post by ejkim » Tue Jun 17, 2003 3:22 am

dear lorikeet
I am really mixed up.
I just only know this : 1. teach them a few sentences like "how much is it? can I have an orange or four orange?" (with pictures)
then I will say the price and they will pay with their fake money (each group will have about 20dollars), they can not spend all money in the store.
after they go back to their group, they have to figure out where the foods and fruits will go into refrigerator.
when this is done, I will do actual testing
I am not sure
thank you for a idea

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Post by Lorikeet » Tue Jun 17, 2003 3:43 am

ejkim wrote:dear lorikeet
I am really mixed up.
I just only know this : 1. teach them a few sentences like "how much is it? can I have an orange or four orange?" (with pictures)
then I will say the price and they will pay with their fake money (each group will have about 20dollars), they can not spend all money in the store.
after they go back to their group, they have to figure out where the foods and fruits will go into refrigerator.
when this is done, I will do actual testing
I am not sure
thank you for a idea
I don't think you are mixed up at all. You know what you want to do. Maybe teach Can I have an orange? How much is it? and Can I have four oranges? How much are they? if that's their level. Sounds like you are using groups too, which is good. Just don't be too nervous :wink:

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Post by Will. » Tue Jun 17, 2003 3:21 pm

Do you know the card game 'fish' ?

Do you have any fours? No!, go fish.
Yes!, here you are.

you can play this game by creating your own cards using pictures of fruit, veg and food.

Elementary Communication Games by Jill Hadfield has an excellent set and explanations for the game.
I hope this is of some help to you.

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Post by ejkim » Thu Jun 19, 2003 3:57 am

hello, Will
please explain more about this game
I never heard about "fish"
thank you for a quick reply

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Post by Will. » Sun Jun 22, 2003 11:25 pm

Hi Ejkim,
The game is played by distributing all the cards to all the players.
the players need to collect sets of cards e.g four threes, four kings.
A complete set is placed aside and forms part of the players final score/total.
The process: ask one of your partners if they have a card you need to complete your set.

"Have you (got) any twos?
The other player, if they have some/any, give these to the first player.

Or not: Sorry! I do not have/have not got any.

In the context of food, fruit and veg the players/students do not collect sets but collect a list of items from their shopping list. (prepared by the teacher)
The cards are pictures of the food, in containers or not as the case may be.

This can be taken further by introducing groceries and shops then having the students role play the exchange. teacher check as each student returns their cards to the communal pot the teacher checks the shopping list and collects the items at the same time reversing the dialogue the student has practised. do you have any....? you can add to this the containers and quantities a kilo/pound. slice/loaf/tin/pot/tub/etc.
I hope this clarifies the idea for you.

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thank you will

Post by ejkim » Tue Jun 24, 2003 7:45 am

Dear Will
How are you?
thank you for explaining the game.
Yes I was thinking of doing role playing.
so that the students can play as sellers and buyers.
so they have to come to the store and ask for the things they need to buy for their refrigerators.
they have to use cartoon, slice, pound, and etc...and they have to sort out them
Is that what you are trying to tell me or explain to me
thank you

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Post by Will. » Thu Jul 03, 2003 5:15 pm

Hi Ejkim,

My apologies for not responding earlier, a family crisis.
You have correctly understood the idea, I hope you have as much enjoyment using and adapting this to your student's needs as I have had.
Just one litte thing, here in the UK the Pound is now the Kilo we are expected to use only this measure of weight. it is now illegal to sell things by the pound.

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Fruit and Foods

Post by Jason » Fri Aug 01, 2003 5:08 pm

For materials, you might like to try www.englishraven.com. There's a good selection of food/fruit/vegetable flash/game cards.

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