Private Lesson with young kindergarten student- ideas needed

<b> Forum for discussing activities and games that work well in the classroom </b>

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Private Lesson with young kindergarten student- ideas needed

Post by Lynn » Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:47 am


I've just received my new schedule and discovered that I will have a 45 minute lesson with a 3 year old student. I am both excited and nervous...While I have experience teaching young kids, it's not one-on-one, and I need some ideas for games or structure for this class. Any thoughts would be really appreciated,


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3yr old one to one

Post by EFLwithlittleones » Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:51 pm

Interesting challenge...Perhaps break the 45 mins into 8 variable length segments: Here are some ideas; finger rhymes make excellent fillers, colouring in and stencils, drawing outsize letters, funny jingles, action songs, puppets, 'show, make and do' and yoga (which I really like because there are so many skill areas developed and you don't have to be a contortionist). Puppets and soft toys are also a good start. You can create a little crew over time beginning with one puppet (see my activity in the cookbook on this site, 'Peter's puppet...') and adding other members like small teddybears. Take advantage of any available realia and create simple story scenarios with perhaps one central concept like 'lost' eg., teddy goes missing and puppet goes looking for teddy. Three year olds particularly enjoy the notion of disappearance.

One on one can be frustrating with children this young but of course, very rewarding so I hope their parents are prepared to be relaxed. You do need time to build a relationship. Anyway I hope these ideas are of some use.

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Location: Japan

Post by Lynn » Thu Mar 18, 2004 5:06 am

Thanks for your suggestions! They are great ones. Of course, any more would be great!

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