6th grader with K5 skills in his L1

<b> Forum for ESL/EFL teachers working with secondary school students </b>

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Sally Olsen
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Post by Sally Olsen » Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:09 pm

It sounds like it might be just what he needs. Group homes are not all bad. There are some caring people in those group homes usually and lots of back-up in the form of psychiatrists and so on. Many people have been helped and go on to successful lives.

My first job was in a group home and over 90% of the children are now successful adults with kids of their own who they care about beyond most parents. Let's just hope that he doesn't fall into the last 10%.

You can keep in touch with him through letters and visits and of course, through his younger sibling. It seems to help if the kids have people who are consistent throughout their lives and makes them feel special that they are getting visitors.

Senorita Daniels
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Post by Senorita Daniels » Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:38 am

He was back today. I really didn't expect him back. I have conflicting feelings about it. It's good that he didn't have to be there long, but it makes my schedule harder. They started reading Romeo and Juliet the week before break (break was last week). They are finishing discussions and worksheets about the first act. I'm sure he won't read it on his own in Spanish. The 9th grade English teacher found a translation, which the other ELL student is using. He's missed about a week of work in all classes. It's just a frustrating situation.

Sally Olsen
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Post by Sally Olsen » Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:09 am

How about letting him watch the movie?

Senorita Daniels
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Post by Senorita Daniels » Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:07 pm

As far as I know, the school doesn't have a copy. A copy of the play on disc was ordered, but isn't here yet.

Sally Olsen
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Post by Sally Olsen » Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:20 am

I bet your local library has a copy or the local store that rents video's. You could even ask the staff in the staff room if anyone has a copy of it to lend you for a week. It would be a powerful story for a boy who has been on the streets because that is where the play is set. There are so many great life lessons in it and it might open a floodgate of stories from him.

Senorita Daniels
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Post by Senorita Daniels » Sat May 02, 2009 2:21 pm

He was in a car accident about a week and a half ago, missed two days of school. He's missed two more days because of a court appearance and a doctor's visit. I did come up with something that got him to start trying to get his work done. If he gets an F in high school, he'll have to repeat the class. The thought of that doesn't sound like fun for him, and for some reason he doesn't want classes with the kids the year behind him. They aren't that bad, but I suppose the stigma of repeating and being with younger 'kids' isn't something that he wants. They're almost done with the play, and seem to be understanding it enough. The other kids are 'acting' it out in class too when they read, which is probably helping everyone.

Sally Olsen
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Post by Sally Olsen » Sun May 03, 2009 3:53 am

It is amazing how someone with a dramatic past seems to have a dramatic present. Car accident? Court appearances? His life could make a great drama too. Hope the ending is fairy tale.

Senorita Daniels
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Post by Senorita Daniels » Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:35 pm

The school year is over now. Current high school students- they survived. The one who's been here a year was frustrated with the one who's been here 4 years. For an English assignment they had to create their own utopia (they read The Giver in class). Guess who did most of the work.
Younger brothers in middle school- The one who's been here 4 years wants the sub from last year back, and decided to come up with a plan to get him back. He did his planning out loud in front of me. I told him that what he was doing was rude, and he appologized, but I don't believe him. He's also turning into Troublemaker Jr, going into other students's lockers.
I'm split on staying with these *@$!^s. I like working with the elementary kids, and days where the others are cooperative are good, but don't want to take the bull any more on the bad. With the economy the way it is, many schools in the area are laying off teachers and aides, not hiring more. I did fill out an application for Walmart to work part time, and that could always turn full time depending on what happens.

Sally Olsen
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Post by Sally Olsen » Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:46 pm

Walmart's gain is the school's loss. I hope someone in your school has spoken to you and encouraged you to stay. You can make a difference with those kids and I doubt if you will have many exciting moments at Walmart that keep you up at night worrying, puzzling, planning, and plotting for the kid's future.

Can you get big brother to tell younger brother what is was like in the home and in the courts and try to discourage him from following him those footsteps? It sounds like he is not getting enough of something if he has to steal. Where are the counsellors to help you?

Senorita Daniels
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Post by Senorita Daniels » Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:46 pm

I'm still planning on working at the school. With how the economy is, I'm not leaving until I know I have a full time job lined up. I applied for part time work so I can get some income this summer (and maybe during the school year too). I haven't been called for an interview, but hopefully I can get a job there. As far as I've heard from the superintendent, there's enough money to keep me one school year. The following year, according to the local paper, the school will lose around one million in funding. Since it's a small district, that will mean that several people will lose jobs. I'm on the bottom of the totem pole for aides, and officially work with only bilingual/ non English speaking kids, I'll be first on the chopping block. As it is, next year I might have some groups with English speaking kids along with their classmates because they need help and we already got rid of two aides, unless the one gets hired back to work with the new K4 class we're starting. But that would only be two days a week for her, and just in K4. I'd be fine spending more time with elementary kids. They tend to be more cooperative and willing to do the work, although my one is a chatterbox and another can putz with her work.

Sally Olsen
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Post by Sally Olsen » Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:21 am

Looking forward to your posts next year.

Senorita Daniels
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Post by Senorita Daniels » Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:37 pm

I was at work yesterday to help with registration and found out that we're getting a part time person who teaches ESL. She will probably be teaching English/ Language Arts to three of them. (Troublemaker Jr.'s English is good enough to stay with his class.) Two weeks and one day until school starts.

Senorita Daniels
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Post by Senorita Daniels » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:01 pm

I love inservices. I heard that Troublemaker broke into the house of one of the other aides. Her kids were all at Subway at the same time as him, then went in the direction opposite their house. He decided that everyone must be out, so he went in the house and saw the aide there. They both have to be at the hearing tomorrow morning. We're trying to get a HS/ MS ESL class set up. Only one student's sched. needs to be changed to be in it.

Sally Olsen
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Post by Sally Olsen » Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:30 am

Life is never dull with students like yours. It is disappointing that the kids take advantage of people who help them though and discourages others from helping them when they hear those stories. It is so great that he got caught though and I hope that everyone will work towards finding a solution for this child so that he won't continue onto even worse things.

Senorita Daniels
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Post by Senorita Daniels » Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:42 pm

First day of school, and there were some good signs. Troublemaker asked if we could work on homework after school today. Yes, he had actual homework for tomorrow, not just the 'cover your books' kind of assignments. He also wants to practice with the football team. He'll probably be able to be in just the practices with his grades from last year and all that's going on in his life. I had fun running around and getting forms that weren't completely filled out to finish, questions to ask parents if I saw them or had time to call home, kindergarten orientation meetings to translate at, filling out forms for a new student who will be here only a couple of months, and I still don't have a schedule yet. The two high school students (Troublemaker and a classmate) told me they like me better than the new ESL teacher. She's Hmong from France, and doesn't know as much Spanish as me, new accent, they're used to my mistakes and what I'm trying to say when I make them.

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