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Conversation class with teenagers ideas please

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:48 pm
I work in a small Francophone West African country. I've got a foot in the door of a private university who want me to run an improvement class 5 mornings next week during school holidays for college and lycee students.
I've been told I have free rein...lots of conversation is required.
I have some resources from an intermediate conversation class I ran a couple of years ago.
Can anyone share with me anything they've found works well?
I intend small group work, giving them scenarios and role play.
Some writing...I'm wondering about having something the class has to produce at the end of the week...maybe a short guide to the city...?

I'm considering taking the class outside, the dusty national museum is close by and creating some sort of assignment relating to tourist attractions might be engaging and useful.

Bounce some ideas around please, thankyou!