Why do they hate us?

<b> Forum for ESL/EFL teachers working with secondary school students </b>

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Why do they hate us?

Post by jingjing^^/ » Fri May 11, 2007 4:06 am

I was stuck by the poll on a local BBS, saying 'the number one thrill for a kid is to kill his/her teacher'.
But, why ...
I never thought that someone we love could hate us so much ...
Looking forward to your opinion ...
Best regards from Beijing, China

Senorita Daniels
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Post by Senorita Daniels » Thu May 24, 2007 6:37 pm

I have no idea. Not all school shootings are by students. There was one in Pennsylvania, at an Amish school, where someone from the area who was upset about something just entered the school and opened fire. The other school shooting I remember that wasn't by a student was Beslan, Russia.

Some kids just don't seem to respect anything. I'm sure that's a common problem, but it's bad here. The parents don't teach them to obey the rules, so they do things like throw blocks at the teachers when they're told to stop throwing toys at the other kids. (A four year old did that today.)

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Post by rusmeister » Fri May 25, 2007 6:50 pm

I know why, but it would require writing pages and pages here - I haven't written my book yet.

It helps to have had extensive teaching exp in both public and private schools across the country and in different countries. But then you also need to not be financially dependent on the public system, which means you need to have quit teaching public. It's a big plus if you go through your teacher cert program AFTER you've had a few years of in-class exp.
Then you can begin to understand why.

Have you read anything by John Taylor Gatto?

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Post by Lolaluta » Fri Jun 22, 2007 10:58 pm

I don't think they all hate us. I don't actually think I've had many students HATE me... maybe I'm just an optimist

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