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How to improve teaching quality in Britain?

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 2:33 am
by luciansw
The education secretary of Britain, Nicky Morgan, has set a goal for elementary students. She says all pupils going to secondary school should know their 12-times table by heart, be able to do long division and complex multiplication and use accurate punctuations, spelling and grammar. It seems clear that to accomplish that ambitious goal, the quality of teaching in classroom should be improved. But what can schools do to ensure a better result?
Apparently, some reformations need to take place in the British education system. Some schools even have their teachers sent to schools in China to learn the teaching method. But to promote sustainable improvements in education, introducing tablets to schools seems to be a better idea. With the help of classroom management software (Mythware, for example), teachers can control and manage the class much more easily. Students can personalize their own study experience. The greatest advantage is that bringing tablets to classrooms can equip kids for a digital future.