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Text books for advanced level

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:23 pm
by starcat
I have a lady who comes to me privately for mainly conversation work as the majority of her studies she does on her own at home. She is soon to finish the book 'Advanced Masterclass CAE' by Oxford and has now asked me to recommend a new set of books that she can buy to further her studies - she currently uses both the workbook, teacher's book and student's book in the series and would like to be able to use a text which also supplies at least a teacher's book.

As I teach mainly children I have no knowledge of texts which would be suitable for her level and am finding it difficult just surfing the net looking for ideas. Does anyone have any ideas as to an appropriate textbook, series etc that would cater to her needs and level?

Thanks a lot.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:44 am
by Králík
My favorite is the Objective CAE (Cambridge), like that it has a workbook, students book, CD and teachers book.. I'm not sure if it comes with a self study book option (teachers book included, cheaper than buying separately) but I know the Proficiency in the same series does so maybe.

I've also heard good things about CAE Result! and Advanced Expert CAE but as I've never taught from them I can't recommend them personally.