Changing requirements for teachers in China, need advice

<b>Forum for teachers teaching TOEFL </b>

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Lee and his dog Kat
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri May 06, 2005 10:48 am

Changing requirements for teachers in China, need advice

Post by Lee and his dog Kat » Fri May 06, 2005 10:55 am

I have been teaching English in China coming up on 3 years. Recently the city of Shenyang, Liaoning province, has changed requirements for work visas. Before a BA or TESL certification, was enough now the government is asking for BOTH.

While I have moved to south China, and the BA still "floats" here, Iwant to be prepared. Any suggestions on an online ESL certification... where to look, how much to spend, does three years teaching experience count towards the classroom hours required in some Certifications (i'm dreaming I know).



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