TEFL International- comments/opinions?

<b>Forum for teachers teaching TOEFL </b>

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TEFL International- comments/opinions?

Post by Cory1111 » Wed Aug 10, 2005 4:31 am

I have an undergrad degree in English, a teaching license in English for grades 7-12, and recently finished my M.Ed. But... am having trouble finding a job. I am considering an intensive TEFL program, hopefully abroad, and am wondering if anyone has any opinions or knowledge about TEFL International or The Language House (or any other programs to look into, for that matter)? Any information would be greatly appreciated - thanks!

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Location: Torreon, Mexico

Post by joshua2004 » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:53 pm

You don't need a TEFL certificate. With the degrees you have it far surpasses any TEFL certificate. What would serve you better now is some experience teaching EFL or ESL. The problem with TEFL programs and especially intensive programs is that they cost a lot and you learn very little. The reality of teaching is more than can be taught in a six month course. This is not to say it couldn't help. But be wary of how much you are spending to gain knowledge you already know or couldn't easily research yourself. The degree you have is sufficient for the requirements of almost all EFL jobs. The exception is at some prestigious Universities such as some in the middle east I am aware of, that require a master of teaching English as a foreign language. And a few Universities might require a Doctorate. I am teaching middle school full time in Mexico with a M.Ed.
A masters degree in counties like Mexico makes me a rock star here compared to the drop in a large pool of M.Ed. graduates in the States.
You will find that that masters will take you very far outside the US.

Happy traveling.

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