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Independent Writing Task vs Independent Speaking Task

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:29 am
by Ed Provencher
According to The Official Guide To The NEW TEOFL iBT:

Independent Speaking Question Type 2
In this second Independent Speaking Task, you will be presented with two possible actions, situations, or opinions. Then you will be asked to say which of the actions or situations you think is preferable or which opinion you think is more justified and then explain your choice by providing reasons and details. (p 210)
Later, regarding the topic "Some students study for classes individually. Others study in groups. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why." the guide book says:
In fact, it may be your opinion that in some cases it is better to study in groups and in other cases it is better to study alone. If that is the opinion you would like to express, you should explain - with reasons, examples, and/or specific details - why group study is better in some cases and individual study is better in others. (p 211-212)
Apparently, it is okay to take the 'middle road' in giving your opinion on this task as long as it is supported clearly with well developed reasons. That's good news for me because my students have a tendency to take this kind of stance in their essays.

The big question for me is "Is this approach to answering the Independent Sepaking Task Type 2 Qeustions also applicable to answering the Independent Writing Task?". I can't find similar wording in the guide book that would permit the writer to take the 'middle road' in the Independent Writing Task, even though the question type is similar.

If you have any information regarding this question, please inform me. Thanks.