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Teaching TOEIC, seeking advice.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:17 am
by marie josey
Hello everyone,
Have started teaching business/general English in April.
Have a contract to teach the TOEIC in July.
This is new to me, not only the TOEIC but teaching all day long!!

Any tips would be appreciated, names of books, sites to use,
ideas for classes, it's the listening and oral section they are interested in.

Thanks, marie-josey. :)

Toeic Tips

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 8:33 am
by sawlor29

I have taught a lot of Toeic speaking and listening over the years. My advice:

Mix up your material so that you use (for example) 50% of class time with toeic specific material, and then 50% of class time with more interesting material that still helps students practice speaking and listening.

Test prep material like toeic can get pretty dry!

Toeic sites I used were:

These sites had some sample questions as well as info about the test itself.

Sites you can use for practicing the toeic skills without keeping it to test focused are:

- (slow/regular speed audio files that are made from short American TV show clips. These are great for listening. Some of the toeic speaking questions do not show any text to students, so its important students understand native speakers intonations. I also use the listening for Question 1: Read Text Aloud. I found students enjoyed practicing their intonation with the video scripts.

The site also has speaking/discussion questions for each video.

Other Websites:

- (uses short news articles and has discussion questions. I think it also has an audio file for each article as well)

An all day Toeic class can be mind numbing so I definitely recommend mixing things up!

Good luck and hope this helps!


Thanks for the tips, merci.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:17 pm
by marie josey
Hi Robbie,
Just want to thank you for all the information.
Yes, that's the way I'm doing it, mixing materials.
Good to get names of sites, not a computer fan so with all those
sites I can go straight through them.

Take care, marie josey. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:47 pm
by sawlor29
Hi Marie Josey,

Hope the sites help and if i think of any others, i will let you know.
