Looking for someone to send video letters to!

<b> Forum for teachers who'd like to coordinate keypal projects with other teachers </b>

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Looking for someone to send video letters to!

Post by vickiinjapan » Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:01 am

Hi! My name is Vicki and I'm the Assistant Language teacher at a junior high school in Sayama, Japan. Our 2nd year students are making video letters, a 1 minute intro of themselves/their school/Sayama, and I'm looking for someone to exchange them with. There are 99 of them, but many of them are working in groups, so I think there will be around 50 video letters. We will film them with my digital camera, so that the results can be emailed or put onto CD. We would like replies to be in English, or if your kids are studying Japanese, the kids really want to see replies in Japanese! (Of course, we teachers prefer English because then they have to apply their listening skills to understand the replies.) This is only their second year of studying English, so their level is still elementary. If you are interested in an exchange, please contact me by email! kbmiller, if you are still looking for someone to exchange with, I hope we can get in contact!

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Post by sethmessanger » Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:07 am

hi.. I'm a teacher of english for efl students (aged between 7-15) I'm interested in your project. I really like to share videos if you want. (in english) We are in Turkey by the way.
if thats ok.. lets talk.. mail me... ok?
[email protected]
[email protected]

c u

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