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how to teach new words

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 4:14 am
by tanxiaoxi
How to teach students new vocabularies effectively? Could you tell me some new methods? Many thanks to you! :)

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 1:28 pm
by Nikita
Hi! When teaching vocab, I always try to incorporate association activities (with a picture for example), memorization (pairs testing each other), and personalisation (sts use the vocab in a discussion). I usually present the vocab in context first (in a story or a reading). It's also useful to go through pronunciation (stress, weak forms etc) through drilling activities. I also find that regular recycling activities help the students remember the new vocab. Hope this helps.

New Vocabulary

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 1:35 am
by eslweb
One of the things they forced into us in our CELTA is say before read...In other words important new vocabulary should be heard before they see the spelling... So the format is pretty simple:

1. Try to elicit the word from the class / Show them a picture of it.
2. If nobody knows it then say it...
3. Check everybody can say it through drilling.
4. Use Concept Checking Questions to make sure they understand the word.

Only then present it in a reading text.

The big benefit of this is that students more often remember the words pronunciation and don't try guess pronunciation from spelling.

Some of the staples that people use to encourage people to remember vocab are:
1. Flash cards (Encourage them to make their own)
2. Vocab books
3. Regular Spelling Tests
4. Word puzzles e.g. Word searches and Crossword puzzles

Your text book should also recycle the vocab, so that they see it a number of times throughout the book...
