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What do you think of the old-fashioned "Rote Discipline

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 7:07 am
by silencedobetter

Which old-fashioned techniques can we still use in our class? An English teacher in China talks about "Classroom Management"

rote discipline

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:37 pm
by Heike Knapová
nothing much. I think it is very boring, especially in language teaching. Trying it this way I noticed that the learners become unconcentrated and undisciplined. Much of precious time in the EFL-classroom is wasted by it because most of the students will not cooperate.
Learners of a foreign language, no matter what age they are, need stimulation for their own thinking and a lot of practise for vocabulary and grammatical structure. Learning of a foreign language should be meaningful, thought-provoking, fun and the learner should feel good with his or her school-mates.
It is true that the learner of a foreign language needs a lot of practise and revision, but it must be in an interesting way and I have found in my teaching practise that teaching through games is always best. I use e.g. this links: to find new and interesting activities. My newest and most rewarding experience are the board games to revise vocabulary and build sentences with three elderly ladies (60-70 year old pensioniers) who got very enthusiastic about playing games in our lessons.
All the best