Brief Survey on Technology and Teaching

<b> Forum for the discussion on how to use computers and technology in the ESL/EFL classroom </b>

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Brief Survey on Technology and Teaching

Post by caraymon » Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:19 pm

I am working on a project which looks at technology and teaching: challenges and opportunities. Results from this survey will be included in a presentation I'll be doing this month at the TESOL conference in Tampa, Florida. (Results will be anonymous.) If you are an EFL/ESL teacher and are interested in participating in this very brief survey, please take a moment to answer the following questions:

1) Where do you teach ESL/EFL (e.g. level and country: K-12, preacademic, USA, Korea, etc.)
2) How do you use technology in your teaching?
3) What do you see as the biggest challenges for teachers?
4) Where do you see the greatest opportunities for teachers when using technology in teaching?

Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it!
Cathy Raymond
Intensive English Program
Indiana University-Bloomington

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Post by kathyfelts » Sat Apr 01, 2006 1:33 pm

I am happy to tell you about how I use technology to teach English. I have three different situations, so I will tell you about each.

First, I teach in Korea online to elementary students 1on1. In this context, I use technology as follows: I use a webcam, mic and an application which allows us share a whiteboard, share desktops, and to use the Interent together. We will soon start using a digital stylus and pad as well. We have used a wide variety of material on the net including Flash animated activities for grammar and vocabulary, stories, songs and news articles. The biggest challenges involve the technology itself. We are fine now, but in the past we have had to sort out problems of connectivity and compatibility. I have had no problem with elementary students using the technology. The greatest opportunities include being able to connect with students anywhere in the globe. I have also had the chance to oversee the creation of a relationship between my online students and my school classroom students.

Second, I teach elementary students in a public school in the mountains of western North Carolina. My students are kinders, and grades 2 and 3. Once or twice a week, we use a Smart Board hooked up to a computer. We work on phonics and read stories. Sometimes we look at the news for kids. We have also been working on making a video with all of the songs, rhymes, and vocabulary for students to take home either as a video or DVD for the summer to play school with. I don't have any challenges with that except that the kids would like to use computers more.

Last I teach middle schoolers. I have grades 6, 7, and 8. I use the county-mandated textbook 2-3 days a week, but my students are also doing a semester-long research project on their home country. One student is from Moldova and we have very little info in print for him to work with. He is able to not only use the net, but he can also use Skype to talk to people in Moldova. We can listen to music and listen to language lessons for each student's project. They can collect information to display as data, graphs and charts. Students also create videos about their countries. My biggest challenge in that class is to keep them of social sites such as chat and

Good luck!

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