An online collaborative project on reading together

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An online collaborative project on reading together

Post by danielaianni » Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:19 pm

I’m Daniela Ianni, the coordinator of the project “The World in a Book” ( ... /index.htm ). As you can see on the Website this is an online collaborative project in which some European and Asian partners have formed tandems or small groups of schools that read a literary work together (a short story, a book, some poems, lyrics of songs, tec.....), exchange opinions about it on a forum and produce collaborative works on in at the end of the year. Some Italian teachers (high school / 16-19 year old students), that have joined the project now, are looking for partners to start new tandems (or small groups) as soon as possible. If you are interested in having a look at what they propose to read together or if you want to “launch” some original proposals go straight to the general forum of the project (Homepage: ... /index.htm , link “General forum on the left menu, “FIND A PARTNER” discussion area) and see the last messages from the teachers who are looking for a partner. Reply directly on the forum, you’ll find there also the instructions to register and log in. I’ll follow the developments of the new tandems/small groups and will create specific working areas on the project’s Website when the pairs/small groups of classes are formed.
See you soon on The World in a Book’s general forum!

Daniela Ianni

Coordinator of “The World in a Book” (a collaborative project awarded at the 5th International teachers’ conference of the AEC - Asia Europe Classroom - held in Beijing, 25th-29th September 2005)

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collaborative works, how? what?

Post by ISO » Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:54 am

Hi Dani,
My name is ISO. Im interested in Collaborative learning. Particularly your ideas that the students could read NOT side by side and then share the impressions on it via online communication. What I seek is how the final collaborative works should take place. What short of "project" they should do? I learned a bit about WebQuest. Is that paralell to your idea?
Big TA

Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:15 pm

Join the project now!

Post by danielaianni » Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:08 am

Thank you for your reply, I'm really happy you are interested in my project. If you see the project Homepage ... /index.htm and in particular the working areas of the groups that are already at work, you can understand how the project works. There is a first step in which, after choosing the text to read together, the students read and at the same time exchange messages on their forum about themselves and the book they are reading, then there is a second step in which the teachers form mixed pairs (or small groups) of students who create a written work on a topic from the book or a part of the book, then, in the end, all the works produced will be put tother in a final website about the book(this is usually made by me and my students if the other schools can't do it for any reasons). If you are interested go straight to the general forum (from the homepage, left menu) and you'll find the last messages from the teachers who want to start new tandems of schools that will start working in January. See you soon
Daniela Ianni

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