<b> Forum for the discussion on how to use computers and technology in the ESL/EFL classroom </b>

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Post by ipod37 » Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:12 am

Call for Chapters for the

Handbook of Research on Language Acquisition Technologies:
Web 2.0 Transformation of Learning

Editor: Michael Thomas, Ph.D.

Over the last few years, second generation Internet-based services or Web 2.0 technologies have emerged as the new buzzwords in Information Communication Technologies. On the Google search engine Web 2.0 now generates some 427 million citations. While to some ICT theorists, Web 2.0 represents a challenge to existing pedagogical practices, others have criticized it as merely a strategic marketing term, developed to breathe new life into Internet start-ups and a new dotcom boom reminiscent of the late 1990s. Critics point out that many of the features of Web 2.0 were already integrated into Web 1.0 architecture and concepts. Furthermore, the term seems to characterize a heterogeneous group of old and new digital practices. Whereas the definition of the term continues to be disputed, then, it is clear however that these diverse digital environments embody a range of potentially groundbreaking implications for the field of education. The Handbook of Research on Language Acquisition Technologies: Web 2.0 Transformation of Learning proposes to examine this potential in the numerous examples that have emerged in second and foreign language learning.

In 2004, Tim O’Reilly coined the term and set up a Web 2.0 conference that held its third annual event in November 2006. O’Reilly defined Web 2.0 with reference to a number of characteristics: the web as platform; an architecture of participation; open source development; and an emphasis on community building and collaboration. By an ‘architecture of participation,’ O’Reilly means a constellation of interconnected services that allow the web to mirror the sophistication of desktop applications, so that users can take their content with them, wherever they happen to be. Moreover, Web 2.0 incorporates social software aimed at users actively producing content, rather than merely being an audience for it. In Web 2.0 applications, users become active participants in collaborative communities, sharing information and networking in unforeseen and creative ways. While Web 1.0 was concerned with the development of e-commerce, Web 2.0 emphasizes participation and collaboration through the development of tagging and structured meta-data so that information can be easily discovered, read and subscribed to. Added to that is the emergence of creative commons licensing to address copyright problems – an issue of prime importance to all educators using technology.

Since 2004, then, Web 2.0 technologies have been promising to revolutionize existing models of information dissemination, replacing one-to-many with many-to-many forms of publishing. Web 2.0 has announced a form of consumer-generated publishing with a clear emphasis on more democratic forms of self-expression. Whereas Web 1.0 was concerned with sites that isolated information, the second generation of services is very much focused on end-users, and promoting the freedom to share and re-use web-based multimedia content. Community building, collaboration, promoting Internet spaces as environments for online conversations and sharing – these are the main aspects of Web 2.0 and central to the relationship between second language acquisition and educational technology.

The Handbook of Research on Language Acquisition Technologies: Web 2.0 Transformation of Learning will provide an up-to-date overview of current developments in Information Communication Technologies related to the fields of second and foreign language acquisition. The volume will feature chapters (5,000-7,500 words) authored by leading experts in the field of CALL, e-Learning and educational technology, offering an in-depth description of key terms and concepts related to different areas, issues and trends in Information Communication Technologies.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

(i). A history of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 technologies

(ii). The case for the originality of Web 2.0 technologies

(iii). The pitfalls of Web 2.0 technologies in the classroom (information overload, Internet security, the dangers of online communities for students)

(iv). Web 2.0 and the potential for educational Institutions

(v). The pedagogical implications of Web 2.0

(vi). Second Life and language education

(vii). E-Learning 2.0 (distance learning, mobile learning, blended learning)

(viii). Web 2.0 and the history of Computer Assisted Language Learning

(ix). The use of blogs in language education

(x). Podcasting in language education

(xi). Wikis in language education

(xii). The pedagogical implications of social network environments

(xiii). Social software and learning

(xiv). The role of the ICT/CALL coordinator and Web 2.0 technologies

(xv). E-moderation and Web 2.0

(xvi). Conditions for the successful implementation of Web 2.0 in education

(xvii) Laptop projects (wireless and one-to-one)

(xviii). Case studies using Web 2.0 in language learning contexts. Other areas of research on Web 2.0 technologies (YouTube, Second Life, MySpace, iPods, Mobile Learning, Course Management Systems, Social Software,, Flickr, etc.) and language learning will also be considered.

Individuals interested in submitting chapters (5,000-7,500 words) on the above-suggested topics or other related topics in their area of interest should submit via e-mail a 2-3 page manuscript proposal clearly explaining the mission and concerns of the proposed chapter by May 1, 2007. We strongly encourage other topics that have not been listed in our suggested list, particularly if the topic is related to the research area in which you have expertise. Upon acceptance of your proposal, you will have until November 30, 2007, to prepare the first draft of your chapter of 5,000-7,500 words and 7-10 related terms and their appropriate definitions.

Guidelines for preparing your paper and terms and definitions will be sent to you upon acceptance of your proposal. Please forward your e-mail of interest including your name, affiliation and a list of topics (5-7) on which you are interested in writing a chapter to: Michael Thomas, editor, at <[email protected]> no later than May 1, 2007.

You will be notified about the status of your proposed topics by June 15, 2007. This book is scheduled for publishing by Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global) <> in 2008.

Michael Thomas BA(Hons) M.Ed. MBA Ph.D. is Associate Professor in English Language at Nagoya University of Commerce and Business in Japan. His research interests are in educational technology and linguistic philosophy.

He is currently editor of the IATEFL Learning Technologies' SIG journal CALL Review, a member of the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG committee, an academic editor of the Asian Journal of English for Special Purposes, an Advisor to the Asian Editorial Index (Category of Business English), a member of the editorial group of the Asian Journal of English as a Foreign Language, and on the reviews panel of the British Journal of Educational Technology. He has published in the field of Information Communication Technologies for language learning and is a member of a number of international associations in the field, including: EuroCALL, PacCALL, JALTCALL, the MLA, and the Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. He is the author of The Reception of Derrida: Translation and Transformation (Palgrave Macmillan: London & New York, 2006), and editor of the Handbook of Language Acquisition Technologies: Web 2.0 Transformation of Learning, scheduled for publication in 2008.

He is Chair of the organizing committee of a one-day symposium on Web 2.0 and language acquisition entitled, ‘Wireless Ready: Podcasting Education and Mobile Assisted Language Learning’ <> and Chair of the NUCB organizing committee for the JALTCALL2008 conference (June 2008), an international conference on Computer Assisted Language Learning.

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