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Lowering test anxiety

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:20 pm
by DBaccaro
Because ELLs are forced to take standardized tests, I want to find out to find out a way to lower their anxiety towards test taking. These tests are very important, so I don't want them to feel overly stressed or overly relaxed. I would like to create an environment where they are focused on learning and not just test taking. Hopefully if they are focused on learning and interactive activities in my classroom, they will have good results on the tests. Does anyone have any suggestions for lowering test anxiety? Should I be giving them tests throughout the year to help prepare them for their standardized tests or should I just stick to alternative assessments?

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:55 am
by lip420
You could play some classical music or other mellow music during the test.

watch your words!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:54 am
by monica1305
As teacher, our comments can help or hinder the anxious levels of our students. Our words are powerful, so we have to pay attention to what we say to our students. To lowering anxiety levels with respect to standardized test, I suggest to avoid focusing on possible negative consequences of a low test score and instead encourage our students to put out their best effort and work examples of good comments I would use: “You should be proud of how hard you've worked this semester." or "If you try hard, and use all the test-taking skills we have practiced, I'm sure I'll be proud of your work." :wink: